Our Quality

Quality can sometimes be measured through visual or sensory inspection, but the quality of the aggregate and asphalt can only be determined through testing. Testing such material requires special knowledge and equipment that generally is not available or affordable to most local road agencies. Luckily, we at El-Concorde Group have our own Onsite Laboratory that tests all products that come out of the stone crushing plant and the asphalt plant.

It is of vital importance for El-Concorde Group to assess the particle size distribution, plasticity and whether the fines are clays or silts, that they will not abrade or wear away too quickly, and that we will have the maximum practically-achievable every time we have production in the stone crushing plant.

As for El-Concorde’s environment friendly asphalt plants, we have a filtration system to ensure that all harmful fumes have been filtered before being released. In addition, the laboratory goes through daily marshal method testing, extraction tests, and sieve analysis to test the asphalt in order to ensure that is has been mixed according to the needed mix design.

Our approved onsite laboratory is a self-checker ensuring all our products are produced and supplied in the highest levels of quality. If the clients request the products to be tested by a third party, we can arrange for our products to be tested by the best locally based centers, making sure that the products have been produced according to all specifications.